Monday, 16 November 2015

It's my late anniversary edition!

It's been a bit over a year since I started this blog.  And while I don't stick to a schedule like good dedicated bloggers do, I enjoy writing when the mood strikes.  So to honour this significant anniversary (which I actually missed by almost a month, but does that really matter?), I thought I would reflect on my year of blogging.

Why I started this blog:

1.  My sister told me to - you didn't see that one coming did you?

2.  My sister has a thrift blitz episode on her lovely blog, and I wanted to be able to brag about my finds.  Like my windows, my yellow china, and my radio.

3.  My Facebook posts were basically turning into mini blog posts, and that's kind of annoying.

4.  I've always liked writing, so I thought, what can it hurt?

Why I plan to continue this blog:

1.  It makes me appreciate the weird things my kids do.  Yes, they still make me crazy half the time, but I am more often recognizing the makings of a slightly exaggerated story that needs to be written.

2.  It gives me a creative outlet.  My job, although I like it, has no room for creativity at all, and I need to express that part of me.

3.  Part of me must be a narcissist, because I love it when people tell me they like what I've written.  I always wonder why people publish and share blog posts and claim they're writing just for themselves.  I write because I enjoy it, but I hope people read it, and I hope they like what they read.  And I hope someday, I might have more than two followers!  How will I ever know I'm loved unless there are lots of little faces on the side of my blog?

4.  It's just me.  There are no deadlines, or expectations.  I can write about what I want, when I want, and that's kind of freeing and wonderful.

5.  It's good practice.  If I ever decide to write something more than a blog, I will be a bit more ready.

6.  It gives me an in to "Writer's Jam", which is a writer's group, but jam sounds way more fun.  If I stop my blog, they'll probably kick me out, and as I sit with these writer's, I'm inspired to do more, and that's a wonderful feeling.  Plus, the eggnog provided is a lovely motivation to keep on going.

7.  Life and kids keep on providing me stories.  Because ordinary jobs like cleaning your fridge just suck, unless you look at it from a different angle.

So the bottom line is, the internet is stuck with this blog for a while longer.  And soon my children will do something else that is worthy of much more than a tweet.


  1. Happy Late Anniversary!!! I'm so happy you keep doing what I tell you to!!!! And yes, you can bet your sweet eggnog that we'll kick you out of Writer's Jam if you quit this blog (not really, but you know...motivation!!)

    p.s. all us bloggers are narcissists, we're just not brave enough to admit it like you

    1. I am thinking about writing a post about my sister being a manipulative conniving person. And now that you've admitted to being a narcissist, it's really pulling itself together.

  2. Haha. oh Heidi, I do enjoy you. You make me giggle. Happy I year and 1 month.

  3. I love the kind of sisters you are! I know I'm a crappy follower, you know...slow and dragging way behind, but i love that you do what your sister says!

    1. I'm a crappy blogger, waiting so long to respond. I do say no to her on occasion. For instance, I am writing this from my own house, when she invited me to hers.
