Monday, 25 January 2016

Fireman Fantasy

I am living every woman's fantasy.  My husband is a real-life hose-pulling, truck-driving, jaws-of-life-cutting Fireman.  And yes.  He is hot.  And yes.  I know you're jealous.
I am well aware that "Fireman" is sometimes considered sexist.  But in this case, I am talking exclusively about male firefighters, because I don't know what it's like to be married to a female firefighter.  So if the term "Fireman" (even though I'm talking about a man) offends you, you should probably stop reading now.
My husband is on a volunteer department, so that means he is on call 24/7, while holding a full-time job elsewhere.  If the pager goes off, he drops what he's doing and runs (literally).
And now, because I am living every woman's fantasy (not a generalization, but a proven fact - obviously), I present to you the truth about Firemen.  Prepare for all your fantasies to be crushed. 
1.  Firemen keep their jackets on and done up while they're on a call.

Image result for fireman fantasy

2.  Firemen wear shirts while rescuing puppies.

3.  Firemen also wear shirts while rescuing cats.

Image result for fireman saving cat

4.  If you see a topless firefighter (who is not posing for a calendar), there is a strong chance he is not a real firefighter  But he might still come to your house if you call and ask.  But please note - your tax dollars do not cover this type of fireman.
5.  Real firemen look like this.  See how you can't see their abs, because they're appropriately clothed?  I know, it's not nearly as attractive.  But that handy dandy bunker gear is really helpful in not getting burnt.
Image result for fireman with burned shirt

6.  Firemen use showers (in a bathroom) to clean themselves.  Not a fire hydrant, or fire hose.  So if you bought a house right by a fire hydrant hoping to catch a fireman showering, sorry. You're out of luck.

7.  Fire stinks, and the smell sticks to the fireman.  You probably don't want to touch your fireman until after he's had a shower.  And if he has hair, it might take more than one wash to get the smell out.

8.  A volunteer firefighter can go from a dead sleep to dressed and out the door like he's an Olympian.  I recommend having a path cleared from the bedroom to the door, all ready for his 3 am sprints.

9.  Not all firemen have great bodies with rock-solid abs.  Most of them are just average guys, with real man bodies (I haven't seen other firemen's bodies, but it seems like a safe assumption.  If you want facts with sources, this is the absolute wrong blog for you to be reading).

10.  Sometimes it's scary being married to a fireman.  You don't know where they are, what kind of call they are responding to, or how much danger they are actually in.  You just have to keep faith that they are trained, and know what they're doing.

So there you have it.  Your fantasies are crushed.  You're welcome.

And if you see a fireman, you should thank him.  Or give him chocolate to give to his wife.



  1. This reminds me of the time my firefighter brother auditioned and got a spot on the London firefighter's calendar. He worked out, lost weight, tanned, and primped - he was in the best shape of his life. The photographer took lots of sexy photos but my brother had brought his 2 year old daughter to the photo shoot and the photographer just happened to have some antique fire fighting gear and convinced my brother to donn the full suit and carry his little girl with soot on her face. It turned out to be a beautiful photo and much to my brother's chagrin, it was the one chosen for the calendar! He is fully dressed and protecting a child - what could be sexier than that!

    1. Thanks for that story Maggie. It's funny how we plan and hope for things, and something even better comes from it. I'm sure his daughter appreciates the picture of them together, even more so that he's clothed!

  2. This. Is. Everything.

    You did not crush my dreams. They are mine. You can't have them.
