Monday 7 November 2016

Dear Dentist...

I know lots of people (myself included) don't like visiting you.  I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings.  But I thought you might like to know that my daughter thinks visits to you are one of the best events on the planet.

When I say I have a surprise for her, she'll often ask if she's going to see you.

Yes, she is weird.  And yes, I adore her weirdness.

So when her first permanent tooth showed up before her baby tooth was even loose, she was so excited that it meant she got to come see you!  She talked more about getting a tooth pulled than Halloween.

When we were on our way to see you today, she was so worried we would be late.  She wanted me to drive faster, and made sure I wasn't taking a "long cut", because only a "short cut" would do.

A friend at school kindly told her it would hurt, but that didn't put a damper on her enthusiasm.

She beamed in the waiting room as she gave me her last smile with all those tiny baby teeth.
The happiest person ever awaiting an extraction.

When it was her turn, she went in by herself, because she's a big girl, and because I've seen you enough to know you're not one of those horrible dentists they write news stories on. 

I could hear her asking question after question, and I enjoyed that it wasn't me that had to answer them for a minute.

When she came back out, she was still beaming, but short one baby tooth.  The freezing made her smile lopsided, and the gauze in her mouth made her speak funny, both of which I found quite amusing.

She was happy, and comfortable, and willing to come back to see you again.  I think maybe you deserve a prize for that.

She thought it was weird that her mouth felt like when her foot falls asleep.  And she didn't like that I wouldn't let her have candy when we got home.  And she especially didn't like drooling blood.

But as much as she loves you, you may now be overshadowed by the Tooth Fairy. 

You can't say you didn't bring it on yourself though.

We got home, and she cleaned her room (because the Tooth Fairy won't go in a messy room), she decorated a balloon (because the Tooth Fairy needs a present), and asked to go to bed early.

So, my dear dentist, I am sorry if you feel overshadowed, but please know, you will always have a special place in the heart of my seven year old.


A Mom with a really weird kid.


  1. Ahahaha! Amazing! What a weirdo!!!

    1. She must take after her Aunt.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It may seem weird but you should feel lucky that your child loves the dentist so. It’s better than when I have to take my child and she spreads out all four limbs like a cat to stop herself from getting in the door. Just be sure she doesn't eat sugary foods on purpose to land herself back at the dentist.

    1. Thanks for reading! I am so thankful she loves going to the dentist. I think it helps that she seems to have good strong teeth, so hasn't had any cavities, or needed anything other than cleaning done yet. I'm hoping she'll continue to like going for years to come.

  3. That's amazing that your daughter is excited for the dentist! I can't say that I have met too many kids that share that enthusiasm, or adults either for that matter. I also enjoy her making sure you were not taking the "long cut" to the office! I know you said she is weird, but I think she sounds hilarious!

    1. Hey! Thanks for stopping by! Most days I do enjoy her weirdness and find it funny. I hope she keeps loving the dentist, it makes those visits super easy for me.
